Wednesday, January 28, 2009

shots 12-15

Shots 12-15 from Zed Bennett on Vimeo.

Don't mind the numbering of the shots. As the current edit stands they are pretty much sequential as I am uploading them.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

DOF test

Just a little test messing with the depth of field in shot 6.

Shots 6,7,9,10 playblasted

shots 6 7 9 10 from Zed Bennett on Vimeo.

s'more animation!
8 was cut, no worries.

Monday, January 19, 2009

shots 001-005 playblasted

Shots_001-005 from Zed Bennett on Vimeo.

First five shots of my thesis playblasted.
The opening shot is the titles in the sky.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Test Renders

Render tests for Morceau's specs.

Story Boards

A few story board examples

Shop Concept

Floor plan

too cramped

The clock shop

Cuckoo Concept

Concept work for the antagonist of the thesis.

"Morceau" Concept

Some concept work for my main character, an old clock smith by the name of Morceau.